> Did you add the directory of TensorRT to your .bashrc file ? Yes,i did. I use the pth file of mmdetection to convert is successful, but to convert the...
> rotated faster rcnn has been supported in dev-1.x branch 能说说虚拟环境得各个库得版本吗 mmrotate mmcv mmdet mmcv mmcv-full 等,我发现出现了版本矛盾问题,调了很久。
> rotated faster rcnn has been supported in dev-1.x branch 您好, 使用 dev-1.x 出了新错误: (mmdeploy1x) oem@li:~/mmdeploy-dev-1.x$ python mmdeploy/tools/deploy.py rotatedfasterrcnn/rotated-detection_tensorrt_dynamic-320x320-1024x1024.py rotatedfasterrcnn/rotated_faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_dota_le90.py rotatedfasterrcnn/epoch_12.pth rotatedfasterrcnn/demo.png --work-dir mmdeploy_model/rotatedfasterrcnn --device cuda --dump-info 03/15 09:29:17 -...
> Please post the result of `python tools/check_env.py` > > FYI, I can successfully deploy [rotated-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmrotate/tree/dev-1.x/configs/rotated_faster_rcnn) model by the following command: > > ```shell > python tools/deploy.py \ > configs/mmrotate/rotated-detection_tensorrt_dynamic-320x320-1024x1024.py...