There's actually a way to trigger UFUNCTIONs when sequencer-exposed variables are animated on a sequencer track: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/AnimatingObjects/Sequencer/HowTo/GameplayAnimBlending/#2-animationandcharacterblueprintsetup It would make the most sense to implement this in C++ (the principles...
The other way to do it besides MPC (which is great for reusing variables across several material instances) is to use dynamic material instances. It looks like already doing this...
I think this is very promising. I didn't know this option was available at the time. Would be great to see how this works on an actual Android device, perhaps...
@kring Just the first 3 so far. Planning on doing 3 more hopefully in the next week...
Thanks @sw5813! Looking forward to any updates on this.
@sw5813 Thanks for the updates on this. Would you expect HL2 with OpenXR to be jittery in 4.26 as well? Or is it just a regression in 4.27? Appreciate your...
Probably because you lost focus on the VR Preview window and UE is conserving CPU cycles. Try switching to any other application and you will see the same thing. If...
It's not urgent by any means, but I'm curious if there are updates on this. For an internal project at Cesium that uses Cesium for Unreal, exceptions have been enabled...
To add some additional clarity: we don't necessarily have to add another parameter to the (carefully named) existing function. We are just looking for an interface to set and control...