Xuefer H

Results 20 issues of Xuefer H

SmartQQBot 自己也应该在登录的时候清理一些缓存数据, 看代码似乎是都重新请求服务器获取新的数据了, 并未仔细阅读确认, 不过可以确认部分函数请求服务器并未实行 cache, 插件可能反复调用该函数因此需要实现自行 cache (直到 SmartQQBot 做了 cache) 因此建议增加重登录事件, 插件可以收到事件并做一些数据清理, 特别是 uin 对照表的缓存 增加以下事件通知 1. Login 登录 (Session Start) 2. NeedAuth (目前 SmartQQBot 的处理是直接 exit, 建议不要...

之前发现 and 1 后面必须空格才会拒绝, 现在多一个情况 and 1即使不空格再and (同样包括 or xor || &&), 也会被拒绝 可以考虑匹配 \band +[0-9].*?\band (后面讨论暂不提 and 以外其他关键字), 缺点是必须循环 反复替换直到无变化 因为可能出现 and 1abc and 1abc and 这样 结果只替换了一个 and...

$ gdb staging_dir/host/bin/bash bin/packages/x86_64/packages/core ``` Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #0 0x000000000043e590 in ?? () [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7f7b700 (LWP 6355))] (gdb) bt #0 0x000000000043e590 in...

http://www.veerkade.com/lld2d/ LLTP, from Microsoft

i wonder if there're any spare pins to wire a switch and to wake the device and report switch status right after switch is opened/closed wire the widow/door sensor and...

The needle mode of updated gauge component is almost like what i want, except: * show as horizontal or vertical straight bar instead of arc(half of a cicle) * multiple...

please add needle mode like https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/gauge/

It would a lot easier to know if provider works at all if we can see result from each provider, including TTFF (Time To First Fix) maybe one can start...

android 6.0.1, UnifiedNlp.apk (1.6.1) after installing UnifiedNlp, Location perimssion default to "off" selecting any location backend raise the following exception in log ``` 03-04 23:14:50.335 9088 10256 W ActivityManager: Permission...