I attach the variables. You can load variables "a", "b", "d". Then you can plot by: ax.scatter_density(a,b, c = d). In this case, I only plot 150 points. The error...
Hi, Thank for your reply. I managed to install Python-PCL already. The above error is due to the missing of necessary path to libraries in the PATH environment. In addition,...
Hi medakk, Can you try the code below? Just changing the cloud and test if it work. Thanks, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Aug 15...
The above error is probably due to the missing of necessary path to libraries in the PATH environment. You can use dependency walker to find which library is missing (http://www.dependencywalker.com/)
It is usually because of missing Xerces-C. I strongly recommend you to use dependency walker to find exactly which library is missing.