Hao Xuan
Hao Xuan
> Hello Drs Thanks for your reply. Env: (64 Intel Xeon CPU cores @2.1GHz, 1T memory, and 18T disk space) FastQc: [Gr1m1-1_F_filt.fastq.gz FastQC Report.pdf](https://github.com/benjjneb/dada2/files/9160425/Gr1m1-1_F_filt.fastq.gz.FastQC.Report.pdf) VEGF mice microbiome analysis Thanks
> These are very large amplicon sequencing samples, about 20M reads per sample. Can you clarify that this is expected? What amplicon are you sequencing? Are primers still on the...
> So I think the issue you are running into is just the size of your samples is challenging the computational complexity of the DADA2 algorithm. Roughly, running time for...