Xuan Wang
Xuan Wang
After some more tests, I think it might not be shell layer caused this. So I changed the title and content. It seems that even vanilla Emacs has this problem...
I also have this problem. Since I don't use code-cells, I removed it and everything is fine.
Update: Mac Emacs 28.1 running Emacs client mode also have the same problem. but standalone mode is normal as long as native compilation is not enabled. So far there are...
Sorry, it is me didn't understand the manual. I am editing the issue.
> Oh, I misread your comment then. It sounded to me as if you were saying that `spacemacs/helm-jump-in-buffer` does what it should, i.e. that it is supposed to not remember...
> **zotero GPT当前存在的问题:apikey太贵了** apikey不够用,一篇长点的PDF要消耗上万tokens,免费apikey不够用且不稳定。openAI赠送的5美元apikey用来读PDF消耗太快。几个月前openAI赠送的是18美元,现在是5美元,再过几个月免费额度估计也就赠送1美元了,白嫖终究不是长久之计。购买token的话又太贵了,对于大部分科研人来说,都是接受不了的。 **解决办法:调用浏览器cookie/账号** apikey收费>>chatGPT plus收费,一个20人的课题组花费160元/月 买一个chatGPT plus账号,大家共用的话花费是非常小的。 如果zotero GPT可以直接调用浏览器cookie,在zotero GPT中登录chatGPT账号,因为chatGPT plus不限制提问数量,所以数篇PDF丢给zotero GPT也可以正常使用,而且比白嫖的apikey速度还要快,也就不需要担心apikey不够用的问题了。 > > 下面是几个通过登录账号或者调用浏览器cookie的插件、软件的参考案例 > # 7. 本地部署的[ChatGPT](https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT) > > [ChatGPT](https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT)通过登录账号使用⭐ > # 8.浏览器插件[ChatGPT Sidebar - Support...
顺便说一下,GPT-4 在 ChatGPT Plus 里的限制是每三小时25次,而 GPT-4 API 的限制是每分钟 200 次。前者用于看 paper 根本不具备实用性。就是后者也不一定够快。