
Results 10 issues of Tekky

Imagine you have the sourcecode in a file in `main.py` and a function called `start()` that starts the code. then just create another .py file and write: ```py from main...

issue to suggest websites to reverse **sites to look out for**: - no cloudflare ( can have security header or cloudflare tls/ssl block but not clearance) - gpt 4 /...


I have successfully integrated a gmail temp client, but i am recently getting these errors: ``` {'data': {'sendVerificationCode': {'status': 'automated_request_detected', 'errorMessage': "Your device or network may be sending automated queries....

help wanted

as per request, I will be taking this api down, but do not worry, other api's will replace it and you may find another repo for ora.sh


Hi, would someone be kind and make a video tutorial / youtube video on how to use this repo. A lot of beginners have recently showed up in the issues...

help wanted

Unfortunately I will have to take down code for phind.com soon, will be replaced by an alternative gpt-4 i am working on at the moment

As phind has not fixed its site yet, I still have some time till i take down code related to it, I will be adressing this issue, please read through...

Please share any sites that have gpt-4, which i will then add to the repository, other than bing.com


I saw a lot of issues lately, and decided to reinstall a fresh version of this repo, guess what ? - it worked first try Please try restarting the script...

I saw that several issues were raised, and most solved using the new `additional_decode` parameter, however this does not work for me, but everything works fine using the normal requests...