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ID-Pose: Sparse-view Camera Pose Estimation by Inverting Diffusion Models

ID-Pose: Sparse-view Camera Pose Estimation by Inverting Diffusion Models

[Paper] | [Project Page] | [HF Demo] | [Examples]


  • ID-Pose estimates camera poses of sparse-view images of a 3D object (appearance overlaps not required).
  • ID-Pose inversely uses the off-the-shelf Zero-1-to-3 to estimate camera poses by iteratively minimizing denoising errors given input images.
  • ID-Pose is a zero-shot method that requires NO additional model training or finetuning.
  • ID-Pose exhibits strong generalization ability on open-world images as the method effectively leverages the image priors from Zero123 (StableDiffusion).


  • [2023-11-12] We incoporate "absolute elevation estimation" as the default setting. We update the default values of the following parameters: --probe_min_timestep, --probe_max_timestep, --min_timestep, --max_timestep.
  • [2023-09-11] We introduce a new feature that initializing relative poses with estimated absolute elevations from input images. The estimation method and the source code are borrowed from One-2-3-45. This feature improves the metrics by about 3%-10% (tested on OmniObject3D). It also reduces the running time as elevations will not be probed.
  • [2023-09-11] We release the evaluation data & code. Please check the Evaluation section.



Create an environment with Python 3.9 (Recommend to use Anaconda or Miniconda)

git clone
cd id-pose/
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
pip install -e taming-transformers/

Download checkpoints

  1. Download zero123-xl.ckpt to ckpts/.
mkdir -p ckpts/
wget -P ckpts/
  1. Download indoor_ds_new.ckpt from LoFTR weights to ckpts/.

Run examples

Running requires around 28 GB of VRAM on an NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU.

## Example 1: Image folder ##
python --input ./data/demo/lion/ --output outputs/demo/

## Example 2: Structured evaluation data ##
## Include --no_rembg if the images do not have a background.
python --input ./inputs/real.json --output outputs/real --no_rembg

## Example 3: Structured evaluation data ##
python --input ./inputs/omni3d.json --output outputs/omni3d --no_rembg

The results will be stored under the directory specified by --output.


pip install jupyterlab
jupyter-lab viz.ipynb

Use your own data

Step 1: Create an image folder. For example:

mkdir -p data/demo/lion/

Step 2: Put the images under the folder. For example:

├── 000.jpg
├── 001.jpg

Step 3: Run estimation:

python --input ./data/demo/lion/ --output outputs/demo/

The results will be stored under outputs/demo/.


The evaluation data can be downloaded from Google Drive. Put the input json files under inputs/ and the dataset folders under data/.

Run pose estimations on each dataset:

python --input inputs/abo_testset.json --output outputs/abo_tset --no_rembg --bkg_threshold 0.9
python --input inputs/omni3d_testset.json --output outputs/omni3d_tset --no_rembg --bkg_threshold 0.5

Run the evaluation script as:

python --input outputs/abo_tset --gt data/abo/
python --input outputs/omni3d_tset --gt data/omni3d/


The images outlined in red are anchor views for which the camera poses have been manually found.

👉 Open Interactive Viewer to check more examples.

Work in progress

  • 3D reconstruction with posed images.
  • Reduce the running time of ID-Pose.
  • Upgrade ID-Pose to estimate 6DOF poses.


  title={ID-Pose: Sparse-view Camera Pose Estimation by Inverting Diffusion Models},
  author={Cheng, Weihao and Cao, Yan-Pei and Shan, Ying},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.17140},