Wei Cheng

Results 4 comments of Wei Cheng

看脚本里 Project ID 变成了 DomainName,但是改了也没法获取token。文档也没有更新。不知道咋整😂。只能先手动签一张算了。

昨天也试过,但是一直提示获取 token 失败(如果大家的都能成功,那可能是我环境有什么问题吧……)。 Anyway,现在我暂时先手动替换到之前使用 ProjectID 的脚本了,等过段时间再试试新的这个吧。

Same, but I prefer to get a button which allowed one time full-charge, then, I could simple click it before I go out, and no need to remember up to...

I tried to direct forward Plex with tcp, looks external subtitle works fine. Once I proxy with nginx, no matter how I edit the config, simply or most complex way,...