Xavier Serrat Bordas
Xavier Serrat Bordas
**Description** I have a service that is defined in the `docker-compose.yaml` as well as in the `docker-compose.override.yaml`. The difference is basically that in the `docker-compose.yaml` I'm referencing the `image` property...
Here is the repository where an example of the usage is done: https://github.com/xserrat/pheature-flags-mezzio-example. To mark this issue as done we should: - [x] Finish the implementation in the third party...
Due to [Captain Hook](https://github.com/captainhookphp/captainhook) has similar features as GrumPHP but it also offers more options. As @kpicaza commented, we could evaluate this library and have the same configuration as the...
Epic: #122 Toggle PSR-11 Factories Package: https://github.com/pheature-flags/toggle-psr11-factories Description: As commented with @kpicaza , we'll inform the user about which packages need to have installed based on the chosen driver in...
Epic: #97 Symfony Toggle Package: https://github.com/pheature-flags/symfony-toggle As commented in the #176 , we have to add the following strategy and segment type fields as mandatory: * Strategy type: `type` and...
Welcome to the Pheature Flags 🔴🟢 repository! 👋 Thanks for choosing us for Open Source contributions. Here you can find the list of Hacktoberfest issues you can do: - #190...
Hi, I'm wondering if is there any possibility to introduce support for reading multiple files of a split OpenAPI file as the specification supports: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/using-ref/#allowed-places Now the validator throws an...
Closes #15 Cannot install version `lameenc==1.4.1` that supports arm64: https://github.com/chrisstaite/lameenc/issues/18