Xerxes Rånby

Results 10 comments of Xerxes Rånby

Can you check if the #442 merge resolved this issue for you by upgrading the Jersey dependency to be Java 11 compatible. By upgrading Jersey should fix this without explicit...

i tested xinput-calibrator but it appears that the entire screen is too large by default, thus i cant touch all calibration points ![IMG_20200529_125811609](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1233011/83252974-7950b280-a1ac-11ea-807f-97f5769f64c2.jpg)

The issue: It appears that the composite signal is enabled by default it makes the screen configuration look like this: ![IMG_20200529_131321041](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1233011/83254254-c897e280-a1ae-11ea-8124-ed1ddc508045.jpg) Workaround: re arrange the composite screen to stay below...

Workaround: Add `enable_tvout=0` to /boot/config.txt This makes the touchscreen aligned and work as expected when **only** using the DSI official 7" 800x480 TFT

@lurch raises a valid point, if i start the system with HDMI attached and DSI TFT then the pointer is misaligned in the same way. Thus the proposed fix to...

Thank you @6by9 !! The solution work for me on both 32bit and 64bit systems to lock the touchscreen to the TFT display by adding an `/etc/X11/Xsession.d/99rpi-touchscreen ` file containing:...

@dacap i have compiled the current master and beta branch that i have tested and work well on Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 and 400 using the skia backend compiled...

masterpj55 has invented a different way to render correct angles and bent lines by taking advantage of the inertia effect rather than eliminating them: https://twitter.com/masterpj55/status/853291275545653248/photo/1 this approach do not need...

ILDA pattern and calibration: http://www.laserfx.com/Backstage.LaserFX.com/Systems/Scanning3.html The correction of the under and overshoot in the corners when calibrating for the ILDA pattern is usually done by tuning delays. The research paper...

Odd specially considering that the quantum gui did manage to print Version 1.33 in the lower corner. You may try enable the JogAmp JOGL Debug GL: -Djogl.debug.DebugGL it checks if...