
Results 6 comments of xqd-ai

> > > @ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify...

It seems taking over xyz.cloudapp.net subdomains is no longer possible, at least using new deployments, maybe someone who already have the old Azure Cloud Servce (classic) running can change it's...

can you provide a PoC? most likely no due to the service subscription requirement, so the take over is not possible until otherwise

I figured out the problem, it was due to couchjs default heap memory limit of 64MB, The issue was resolved by increasing couchjs heap memory to 512MB **Steps** * login...

This error happened again after my data grow more, I had to increase CouchJS heap memory again to 1024MB

I'm also getting this error on linode fresh install, any solution?!