
Results 27 issues of xoviat

Currently, there are very few libraries in the embedded ecosystem that support async. The two options for traits are this library and embassy-traits. If embedded libraries are updated to depend...

help wanted

[This](https://github.com/JohnDoneth/hd44780-driver) and other projects may require a delay provider (for example: https://github.com/stm32-rs/stm32f4xx-hal/blob/master/src/delay.rs) that provides delayms and delayus functions. lt should be possible to provide this functionality as part of this...

this is a draft PR to see what it would take to switch to modulegraph2 tracking #5812

This is a tracking issue to update the internal API to be compatible with modulegraph2. - [x] `run_script` -> `add_script` - [x] `createReference` -> `add_edge` - [x] `findNode` -> `find_node`...


DMA2D is offered on some stm32 microcontrollers to accelerate graphics functions. It should be supported in some way in embedded-graphics.

See https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pull/1020/files/d7b7df2d206b9355c1989fde9dbd2d238b4985ea#diff-486be7fb1b6bc6bfb2d1fcb6d59aa4a99ddc2a8fb035e28d688fc862343810b7 #1020

unknown where these symbols may originate from, or if they should have been generated. ``` .rsp /out:lib\openblas.dll /implib:lib\Release\openblas.lib /pdb:lib\openblas.pdb /dll /version:0.3 /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO /DEBUG /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /DEF:CMakeFiles\openblas.dir\.\exports.def /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:lib\openblas.dll.manifest" failed...

I had planned to eventually write google material components for vecty. However, there is a new project called vugu that seems to be progressing much more rapidly than vecty: http://github.com/vugu/vugu....
