
Results 23 comments of xotmatrix

Oh dear. This is where I gain my infamy among long-suffering Apple II emulator writers.

I've been remaking my emulator's keyboard handler and studying schematics and thinking about this code again and wondering how it could reasonably work on real hardware. So I tested it...

Ha, OK. I looked right at that code and didn't see the comment.

For what it is worth, MAME does not bother with this level of pedantry. It just looks for ($C800+$7FF) as well.

It saves it where the last disk image was loaded from.

I've experienced rare problems exactly like this going years back. I never figured out how to trigger it reliably but I do specifically recall it happening with diagonal wires in...

I've resisted posting an issue like this but I agree 100%. "Digital" is unsearchable. I once lost track of this delightful software and it took me ages to find it...

It's not a positive detection of anything. It just means they don't have any files like AppleWin in the machine learning training set.

Personally, I dislike it when emulators favor physical key mappings over logical key mappings. I would lose my mind if I had to remember where the Apple II Plus keyboard...

I get it. I do the same thing but the other way around. It's hard to switch between the machines. I'm regularly correcting my typos on my Apple //e because...