
Results 4 issues of xorhash

# getentropy(2) on OpenBSD Your text suggests using [getentropy(2)](https://man.openbsd.org/getentropy.2) on OpenBSD: > On OpenBSD, use getentropy(), which has a similar behavior and predates Linux' syscall. getentropy(2) is meant to be...

> - The IBAN registry's old URL is no longer publicly available! Its now ends in a 404, and the apparent new home, located over at http://www.swift.com/products_services/by_type/reference_data/iban_registry_iso13616 does not have...

The Internet is not only the web (even though there's a *lot* of web). I've got an offender they might warrant an entry, even though they're not a website: QuakeNet's...


`LICENSE` reads: > [...] subject to the following conditions: > > The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in > all copies or substantial portions of...