
Results 3 issues of xor512

Is it possible to view processes as pstree shows them or xfce4-taskmanager or other task managers? Like so: ![2018-11-03-075231_663x310_scrot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29346009/47949098-84dee780-df3d-11e8-97e2-309657cdb705.png) Or, if not, is it possible to add such feature?


Sometimes 'acpi -i' returns the following on my DELL GS 15 5590: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29346009/106803609-ad964000-6664-11eb-965b-3dc4b22e903d.png) this ends in show_battery_warning() because of this code fragment: ```lua if string.match(s, 'rate information') then -- ignore...


At least this version doesn't support them: [ss@arch ~]$ lxterminal --version lxterminal 0.3.2 To test for example using awesome wm `awesome-client 'require("awful.spawn")({"lxterminal"}, { callback = function(c) require("naughty").notify{ text = c.name...