Dmitry Fomichev
Dmitry Fomichev
I am not quite familiar with vim channels, but at quick glance it looks like there are some similarities indeed. All data is being sent to a process asyncroniously without...
> Would it be possible to rebase this patch on the top of the current `master`, please? This is making testing rather difficult. Done. Hopefully I did not break anything.
I would write such a tutorial, but now it's pretty pointless. The wrapper is on early development stage and there are some things that can be changed much. For example...
Well, the instruction in []( is not clear enough, unfortunately. 1. Actually SteamForwarder requires winecompiler on build stage and any wine installation for usage. Only condition: wine should know about...
Hello I guess that in this case Proton is still best (if not "only available") solution. SteamForwarder has its own restrictions related to the `steam_api.dll`. To interact with linux steam...
In the first attempt SteamForwarder was unable to find the pipe to communicate with Steam. I also use Arch Linux and in my case the pipe can be found using...
It looks like something is changed in Steam since the project has been archived. How about steamcmd? Does it work after setting the volume or the steamapps path where the...
I guess the command `steamcmd +app_info_print 39140 +quit` hungs too? Well it this case you can try to kill steamcmd process while running the sf_install command or set non-existing location...
I reproduced the hanging on my system. Seems like it is the steamcmd issue. Hanging occurs randomly and I was able to generate the runscript in less than 10 attempts...
Unfortunately those links have not helped. But while looking at the CSteamworks repository I've stumbled upon [rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET]( repository (the steam_api.dll from other versions were taken from there) and found that...