I would agree that the license should be MIT to match codeigniter 3
When starting your server you can do so like: try server.start(9080, forceIPv4: true) For me this made the request.address show the IP address of the request i.e. If you...
I have both a mini and a sprk+. I've noticed that the output from sudo node ./node_modules/noble/examples/peripheral-explorer.js "{UUUID}" is much shorter from the mini. But it works and shows output....
From what I can tell you're info is similar to what I have. My output is below and the Local Name seems to be similar to yours. peripheral with ID...
Exploring @ThomasProctor find I've copied the node_modules/sphero/lib/adaptors/ble.js to node_modules/sphero/lib/adaptors/ble2.js changed the service address to "00010001574f4f2053706865726f2121" and passed in a custom my initialization: global.bb8 = sphero('d1cfcbccf40e',{adaptor:"ble2"}); No crash for characteristic. but...
I used: 00010001574f4f2053706865726f2121 from the output from the service UUID out of peripheral-explorer.js
@igbopie That's very impressive. Let me know when you're at a point for some testing. I've run into a few issues with disconnecting the spheros with BLE that I'd love...
Could it be related to this bit of code in sphero/lib/sphero.js? /** * Adds a sphero command to the queue * * @private * @param {Array} cmdPacket the bytes array...
I'm not entirely certain why you'd need to call a disconnect before you can connect but I can tell you that when you call disconnect it never makes it far...
It would be nice to have Carthage support.