gast5/lib/pose/hrnet/pose_estimation/gen_kpts.py", line 342, in generate_ntu_kpts_json pose = preds[num].tolist() IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1 How do I solve this situation where I want...
I ran your code quite differently from the paper,so I think there is something wrong with the data processing part. The data_3d_humaneva15.npz and data_2d_humaneva15_gt.npz files I obtained by VideoPose are...
I have read your paper carefully. It mentioned that the batch size is set to 32, but I only see solver. IMG_PER_GPU = 2 in train.py. Is this a change...
Where to set (interval=1)
How did you deal with HumanEva?Or could you share the processed files?
If I want to reproduce the HumanEva's results of the paper, what's the command should I have?