
Results 3 issues of xMsid

an option to save the file locally would be convenient so if we're coding in python so the guest can run the code to test the script, its okay for...

Hi, Me and my friend are working a website and am hosting the files on my PC, every time he makes a change he send a chat message to me...

The title explains it, it works in `Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar` and `Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar` though, pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32135119/41008199-5b4428a8-6932-11e8-8239-07e2c41968e8.png) it works if i added `@color/actionBarPopupTheme` to the app style that is inherating from `Theme.AppCompat` but i...