Results 81 comments of xmrig


Build instructions updated, 2 things: 1. Must update cmake to recent version, 3.12.0 at this moment. 2. May need change `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.2\include\crt\host_config.h` for native 2017 mode.

Thank you, I already noticed, as workaround you can use `"coin": "monero",`.

Should be fixed in the dev branch. Thank you.

Thank you, I confirm this issue.

Sure unfortunately but it not include part how create self signed certificate. Thank you.

In general use GPU for RandomX is bad idea, but you can try (OpenCL integrated to the main miner). Thank you.

Why not just use HTTP API in both cases? Parsing miner output not best idea, it's for humans and can be changed without notice. JSON data in API for machines...

Both RandomXL and RandomWOW supported in dev branch, binaries for recent code 1. I working on xmrig3 so have no time to make release for this. 2. Auto-configuration provide...

Reduce it until error `:37 "out of memory"` disappear. RandomX require 2080 MB for dataset per GPU, on 4GB GPUs only less than half memory remaining for mining. Thank you.