Ondrej Medek

Results 62 issues of Ondrej Medek

Current implementation of `ParallelForwardingAppender` is wrong, since it block a thread form the default ThreadPool. The C# Tasks and Threads should not be mixed together. {{BlockingCollection}} is based on a...

**To reproduce:** ```styl ul margin-left 0 margin-block-start 0 margin-block-end 0 ``` **Current behavior:** While `margin-left` is highlighted as known property (red), `margin-block-start`, `margin-block-end` and many other newer CSS properties are...

**To reproduce:** ```styl div.content p margin 0.5em 0em ul, ol margin 0 p + ul, p + ol margin-top -0.5em ``` **Current behavior:** `p`, and `ul, ol` are properly highlighted...

I have a broken JSON, the JSON lints fails with ``` RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at String.match () at Object.next (jsonlint.js:316) at Object.lex (jsonlint.js:349) at Object.lex (jsonlint.js:353) at...

The last git tag is `v1.6.0`, please, make tags for `v1.6.3` and `v1.6.2`, `v1.6.1`, too.

Hi, `PerContainerLifetime.GetInstance()` may be sped up by using local variable: ``` csharp object result = singleton; if (result != null) { return result; } lock (syncRoot) { result = singleton;...

Optimize `PropertySelector` not to scan static properties. I am not sure it it may be further optimized only for Public properties.

I like the `[InjectData]` support for xUnit tests. I would like to test DB layer (queries) with xUnit [collection fixture](https://xunit.github.io/docs/shared-context.html) . Does LightInject.xUnit supports xUnit fixtures (`IClassFixture`, `ICollectionFixture`) somehow? I...