
Results 6 issues of gite

## 🚀 Feature A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its...

## 🚀 Feature A number n is said to be Abundant Number if sum of all the proper divisors of the number denoted by sum(n) is greater than the value...

## Have you read the Contribution Guidelines? Yes ## Description The happy number can be defined as a number which will yield 1 when it is replaced by the sum...

## 🚀 Feature An evil number is a non-negative number that has an even number of 1s in its binary expansion. (Binary Expansion – is representation of a number in...

## 🚀 Feature It will check if a string is same even after reversing ### Have you read the Contribution Guidelines? Yes ## Pitch It is not already present in...


## 🚀 Feature A number is said to be a magic number, if the sum of its digits are calculated till a single digit recursively by adding the sum of...