Lu Xu

Results 55 comments of Lu Xu

Simple workaround: ```json "sumneko-lua-language-server": { "cmd": ["lua-language-server"] }, ``` But is it better to just work out of the box with local package installs?

(我不是作者) @0xac001d09 至少把你的所有和gitalk相关的配置文件贴出来,这么问没办法知道问题出在哪。 虽然你说确认了用户名,但是还是检查一下配置写没写对,下面这里`owner/admin`和`repo`要和*想要存放issue的仓库*一致,也就是`` ```js const gitalk = new Gitalk({ clientID: 'GitHub Application Client ID', clientSecret: 'GitHub Application Client Secret', repo: 'GitHub repo', owner: 'GitHub repo owner', admin: ['GitHub repo...

可以直接在浏览器inspector里找到元素,然后用css定制的吧,我在firefox上改了一下,是这样的: ![Screenshot_2020-05-02_11-43-35]( 当然不一定覆盖的很全,可以直接找原css( )。下面是火狐上导出来的修改css: ```css /* gitalk.css | */ .gt-container .gt-btn { /* border: 1px solid #6190e8; */ /* background-color: #6190e8; */ border: 1px solid #619008; background-color: #619008;...

我有这个需求,很多人不会在markdown里用代码段,想写一点提示,规范一下。如果不改的话,那只能在附近标注了。 关于i18n,能否可以设置多个语言的placeholder,根据不同的locale改变,比如参数赋成`{'en': 'hello', 'zh-CN': '你好'}`?

I also have `q` in the prompt, and I know why: I have `\e[2 q` or `\e[6 q` in my `.inputrc` to change the cursor in different vi-mode. Guess connect...

Will there be any update on this? There seems to be no actual xlib code pushed to the branch.

Hi, about the "downloading adjacent files" thing, it might be the same for all the bittorrent clients. IMHO it has nothing to do with tremc. A torrent only record hash...

Thanks! I tried the main branch and it works partially as I expected. However currently only the direct parent dir of a file can be renamed since tremc is using...

> Is there a way to set reversed order? `addedData reversed` @sprnza Hi, I also got the same question. Then I looked into the source code [where]( the option is...

Versions of `pip` and `python`: ``` $ pip -V pip 20.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip (python 3.8) $ python -V Python 3.8.3 ``` I think I should mention that I installed `pipdeptree`...