Lu Xu

Results 55 comments of Lu Xu

> thats correct and the expected behavior. I guess that's the cue for me to close the issue :) > thats the main reason why it is as it is....

A two-step solution: the same as in Twitter mobile webpage, we click the avatar icon in top left, and other accounts (only tried one) shown also as avatars, then click...

Could you revert the code adding this "feature" (hopefully before 1.7.0), and add it back after implementing a switch?

我也有问题2的困惑,但是这个貌似是ibus的问题(有dev可以确认就好了,我不是很懂)。因为我试了ibus-pinyin也是类似地,英文输入状态下切换窗口会重置为中文输入。 现在最好的解决方法是打开“所有应用共享同一输入法”的开关,至少状态不变比总是重置为一种状态好。。。

> 如果只想normal下自动切换英文 insert 自动恢复之前的状态 可以看看这个 [g3kb-switch]( [vim-xkbswitch]( @ArtisticZhao 这貌似不能应用于ibus(以及任意CJK输入法)?中文输入时的xkb布局和英文输入时都是us美式键盘布局,这些工具是不是就无法适用? 这些工具应该适用于比如德语de、俄语ru等键盘布局不对应英文26字母的情况。不知道我理解的对不对。

@ArtisticZhao 能讲讲具体怎么做吗,比如vim-xkbswitch和xkb有哪些配置。我只加了一行`let g:XkbSwitchEnabled = 1`,但是无效。并且我看不到us的细分布局: ```sh $ setxkbmap -query rules: evdev model: pc105 layout: us ``` ```sh $ xkb-switch -dl [DEBUG] xkb-switch version 1.8.5 [DEBUG] layout: us [DEBUG] variant: us...

As neo-store redesigned its interface, this feature request should now become: **Add sort options to search results, "explore" tab and "installed" tab.** 1. In search results, sometimes I want latest...

Exact sort options that I propose: - Search result: by search relevance, by last update, by addition - Explore: by last update, by addition, by app name - Installed: by...

I am not sure if it is the right place, currently the layout has issue when set `Xft.dpi` to larger values (than 96, 144 in screenshot) in Xresources on Linux:...

I confirm both issues on my devices.