
Results 3 issues of xlsong19

我在运行./demo recognize -p resources/image/plate_recognize.jpg --svm model/svm.xml --ann model/ann.xml进行车牌识别时,报错: Segmentation fault (core dumped) 是怎么回事呢? **my environment:** * **System:** CentOS7 * **Compiler version/IDE:** gcc4.8 * **CMake version:** 3.11.0 * **OpenCV version:** [...

hi,I have pull the latest code and add the "--queue default" at the end of the "run.sh" first.The run infomation is 17/12/13 06:41:52 INFO Client: Copying /opt/XLearning/target/xlearning-1.0/lib/xlearning-1.0-hadoop2.7.3.jar to remote path...

hi,when I download the trained MNC model by run ./data/scripts/fetch_mnc_model.sh it failed.The URL="https://onedrive.live.com/download?resid=571EABC0F8C2A19C!1103&authkey=!ALXduVujs-7r6Ug" can't open .Had it lose efficacy?How can I solve this issue?Thanks!