If you need to use non-ASCII characters in the Windows console **and** you are getting errors or warning messages when using `isbntools` you should setup and configure your Windows console...
The problem is due because OCLC 'Classify service' requires now an API key. I am looking for alternatives.
**Books in your language** Many countries have national libraries with web services that provide metadata (mainly of local books). Most of these services use the *SRU* protocol developed by LoC....
**If source returns xml from SRU protocol** Take a look at https://github.com/xlcnd/isbnlib-bnf/blob/dev/isbnlib_bnf/_bnf.py
**If source returns Unimarc** Take a look at https://github.com/arangb/isbnlib-sbn/blob/main/isbnlib_sbn/_sbn.py
**Instructions for release** Requirements: ------------- 1. Github account 2. PYPI account 3. pip, wheel and twine must be installed Github: ------- A. Check setup.py and see if version and links...