I think this was for a /skull command or a way to update skulls based on player skinsrestorer skin
sr v13.8.9 works for mohist on 1.12.2
considering doing `/skull` which could conflict with essentials.
@andris155 did you disable the forward skin option in fast login?
> Hey @xknat > > Just curious if this is the reason that SkinRestorer works with Floodgate on every second login for me? As in; if I just booted the...
Ah yes sorry, this could be closed, no longer a issue. Did not hear any more cases of this happening
@GenifeUA any update on this? otherwise we will close this ticket...
waiting on https://github.com/GeyserMC/Floodgate/issues/426
Floodgate fixed the event on their end in the build - 68
> How can we prevent the bug ? Wait an update from floodgate ? Wait for a update from us or floodgate. Will also shoot in a issue on floodgate....