Xiaoke Huang
Xiaoke Huang
> 如果大家打算建立Discord Group,或者已经有, 可以分享到这个issue中。 Any invite link? thx!
I also encountered the leak issue https://github.com/rgl-epfl/cholespy/issues/10#issuecomment-1233807046. But I have no idea how to solve it.
Thanks for your kind reply! the `cleanup` indeed worked.
This minus term is equivalent to multiplying the inverse of the rest (T) pose. You can check the original formula in the SMPL paper. ps: I have also run into...
The rotation part of the rest pose transformation matrix is identity transformation. Thus its inverse is equal to minus itself, i.e., (I|T)^(-1) = (I|-T).
The same problem ::cry::