I use jekyll 2.2.0, and the error message like this: `zepu@zepu-thinkpad-e420:~/Twenty-Jekyll-Theme$ jekyll -v` ``` jekyll 2.2.0 ``` use jekyll: `zepu@zepu-thinkpad-e420:~/Twenty-Jekyll-Theme$ jekyll serve` ``` Configuration file: /home/zepu/Twenty-Jekyll-Theme/_config.yml Source: /home/zepu/Twenty-Jekyll-Theme Destination: /home/zepu/Twenty-Jekyll-Theme/_site...
from libtsvm.optimizer import clipdcd ImportError: cannot import name 'clipdcd' from 'libtsvm.optimizer' (/Users/zepu/Documents/LIBTwinSVM/libtsvm/optimizer/__init__.py) No clipdcd module OS: Mac Python Version: py3.8.3 ``` cd optimizer $ ls __init__.py __pycache__ armadillo-code setup.py src...
@mir-am Hi, I reinstall LibTwinSVM using pip and success run in macOS. Many thanks!
Now I install LibTwinSVM for Windows11 ``` C:\WINDOWS\system32>pip install numpy cython Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.21.4) Requirement already satisfied: cython in c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (0.29.28) ```...
Maybe the Python version is not suit for it. I install ``` C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\SciLab\LIBTwinSVM>python --version Python 3.8.10 ``` the errors is ``` No module named 'numpy.distutils._msvccompiler' in numpy.distutils; trying from distutils...
@mir-am OK, many thanks! Great jobs!
@mir-am Hi, the same errors on Python 3.7 1st, I try to install LIBTwinSVM from the source, but the compile errors. 2nd, I install LIBTwinSVM from `pip install libtsvm`: ```...