
Results 6 comments of xixuedafa

LimeSDR mini also does not work below 30 MHz.Mayhe bellow 30MHz need to use NCO algorithm. Practically it is UP converter and converts 0.1-30MHz above 30MHz with NCO.

SDRconsole v3 automatically sets NCO. SDRSharp like this: https://github.com/GoranRadivojevic/sdrsharp-limesdr/blob/master/SDRSharp.LimeSDR/LimeSuite.dll

wanted Yard Stick ONE :)

or how to export to other formats?like wav,cfile...

vs2019要把编译的参数改了sdk 8.1改了,还有就是vs2015改了,再注释或者安装vld就能通过,网上都能搜到。

看网上的说法,ie中直接在head中引用Firebug Lite的JS脚本https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite.js,然后页面加载完成即会在右下角出现Firebug的图标,不知道能不能加载firebug,tabletools等插件