
Results 6 comments of xiw588

Hi I just figured it out, by adding ens2hugo = TRUE. But here comes another issue in oncoplot, do you know why some of the mutation were omitted (not plotted)....

Hi LiLin, Thank you for your response! I just figured this out that actually the wrong order of the columns extended the time of plotting forever and it takes just...

@tomoakin no..I was trying to install on cluster, not allowed to sudo

@benz0li I tried install.packages("RPostgreSQL", configure.args = c(PG_INCDIR = "/usr/pgsql-11/include")) but same error

Hi @jpuntomarcos Are you eventaublly able to run this? I am running into the same issues. Thank you!

When I increase the width of the figure, it became visible. Is there any way that I can change the width of each stacked bar so that I can accommodate...