xiss burg

Results 4 issues of xiss burg

I am encountering a weird issue where I have a set with `(0x8, 0x100009)` for example, and I call `entt::sparse_set::erase` with a set which contains `(0x100009)` and the result is...


Changed the run loop modes for the NSURLConnection and the performSelector in EGOImageLoader:136 to NSRunLoopCommonModes. Now the images will load while scrolling in a scrollView, tableView, etc.

The threading architecture has been revised and modified substantially to make it simpler and more performant, preparing the engine for planned future improvements. The core change is that, instead of...

It looks like unwind segues don't work with the _new workflow_. Since the destination is changed in `-[RBStoryboardSegue initWithIdentifier:source:destination:]` I get a `'Receiver () has no segue with identifier ''`...
