Adam Chevalier
Adam Chevalier
XML and HTML attributes are case sensitive, and shouldn't have their case altered on format.
Ideas for Cults and Societies for users of Monks and Mystics DLC. Hellenism: * Mithraism * ~~Cult of Isis~~ * Sol Invictus (Roman religion?) * Imperial Cult Kemetism: * ~~Apep~~...
xirsoi needs to finish this. Its all planned out for a basic release, but I have tons of ideas about how to make it better. Basic principles are in two...
Add special results for smithing items for the Ancient Religions. - [x] Celts Instead of crowns, torcs. Silver -> Gold -> Jeweled Can use swords from Christianity - [ ]...
Female-centric heresy of Druidism. Succession Laws that disfavor women are not allowed. Locked from having anything other than the highest Status of Women law. Has Enatic -> Absolute Cognatic available....
Split Hellenism and Roman religion. Must be done _after_ enough features have been implemented that the two can stand on their own. Roman will need a heresy.
Flavor event about Herne the Hunter for someone who owns lands in central England could be fun. A big event chain involving Herne spooking people in the area and the...