Adam Chevalier
Adam Chevalier
Fertility festival and funny/sexy events. Pay piety/gold to keep the Arch Dryad out of your affairs for a time. What happens if you are married to the Arch Dryad?
Arch-Dryad wifu should give you preferential treatment, if her personality (traits) are right. (e.g. a Just Arch-Dryad is very unlikely to treat you differently because you are married. An Arbitrary...
I'll look into that, I'm into getting the same thing for less work
"Christening" event for childbirth? Britannia was considered a sea goddess (trident), so maybe fishing is a big deal. Go on a fishing trip? Someone wants to rub the baby bump....
Thanks! The fictional heresies are my favorite ideas so far and I will implement them even if it's the last thing I do with the mod. I just feel that...
Brittanic absolutely should get the new style Catholic Crusades shown in today's dev diary.
The christening/baptism event will symbolize Britannia embracing the infant. The ideal circumstances would be full immersion in sea/ocean water, as that is the domain of Britannia. The Irish word "tumtha"...
Would be neat to figure out a way for a ruler to convince the Arch-Dryad to perform the tumoideachais herself, which would be a big deal for the ruler and...
Event to deal with someone selling counterfeit sea water to bourgeois and low nobility (villagers can't even afford that, they have to use rivers or lakes).
Britannic's would consider the Unseelie to be Her Wayward Children. Lesser divinities that have strayed from the righteous path; essentially fallen angels.