Adam Chevalier

Results 113 comments of Adam Chevalier

Being a member of the society gives you access to decisions to hold the public rites as a celebration, giving you revolt risk reductions and small opinion bonuses with members...

Commission a play.

I love that idea! Perhaps an event chain beginning with rumors of a charismatic man preaching the old ways throughout the rural areas of the realm. You can ignore him,...

A second event chain, from jbelig: The idea is a decision to let's say visit the ancient pyramids. During the visit something 'magical' happens (you hear voices, see a light...

Holy Sites: Middlesex, Dublin, Gowrie, Wiltshire (Stonehenge), and Mortain.

They worship the personification of Britannia as a mother goddess of the same name. The more traditional gods of Celtic religion are seen as the equivalent of arch-angels, powerful servants...

Dryads should be allowed to marry, because having children is emulating the mother goddess, and thus a sacred act.

Create a Dryad trait that gives a slight fertility bonus. Arch-Dryad should be Kingdom tier, to represent the difficulty in vassalizing her. A vassalized Arch-Dryad should chafe under secular rule,...

Dryad's should get piety when they give birth.

Arch-Dryad may request you change laws regarding temple vassals. She may demand you put a person on your council, such as a Dryad. Would probably be more likely if you...