Adam Chevalier
Adam Chevalier
Kill a chaplain trying to fight the order (job action), kill someone who stands between a member and inheriting a title, kill a high ranking member's rival.
Options for non-violent resolutions, like framing the target for a crime. This could be a way to get their liege to interfere or blackmail them to back off.
Creating sympathy for your religion in other lords of the realm and lords in holy war range. Sympathy in provinces?
Circle of Druids, Society of Bards, and Order of Vates could be similar to the monastic orders. The two highest levels could be restricted to "real" Druids/Bards/Vates, and lower levels...
Must be careful to separate Briton features from Celtic religion features. Briton should stand on it's own as a culture. There should also be additional features (even if it's just...
An event where you convince a character that has discovered your murder plot that maybe this person *deserves* to be sent to Shezmu's wine press. You may even have the...
Mission to investigate a suspected witch/warlock.
They are principally interested in hunting the Fangs. Other unjust people are a bonus.
Rank icons from Diogenes are: water drop, wine drop, blood drop, gold drop (anointed oils). Ranks: Pure, Distilled, Blooded, Anointed. Pure - Limit 50 Missions; Build Winery OR Oilworks(?) Powers...
The progression of ranks, and the act of creating oil/wine, is a philosophical metaphor for the character and their soul. They are purifying their souls and concentrating the most valuable...