Chris Han
Chris Han
I'll take a look. I didn't originally design around carousels like this, so I'm guessing some part of the lazy loading / ResizeObserver has some sort of confusion or race...
Glad it's working for you! I'll take a look at what I can do about this, but from what I recall, it can be pretty difficult to reliably tell in...
The typescript error is something I know about - Svelte got better Typescript support sometime after I created this package, so I need to create Typescript definitions for the component...
Sure, I'd be happy to look at a pull request if you put one together.
It's using native browser image lazy loading, so the heuristics are up to the browser. The browser will often preload lazy images that are *just* offscreen under the expectation that...
The blurred placeholder and the fade in animation are coming from svimg. Without it, the browser does what it usually does when it loads images (just lazily) - the document...
Yes, I think sourcemap support was added sometime after this package was created.
I can maybe add a note to the documentation but svimg only works with literal image paths and this might be impossible to do automatically. The svelte preprocessor can only...
I would guess that Nuxt-image hooks into Nuxt's SSR process when the code is actually executed server side. The Svelte preprocessing hook is more for transformation of source code (eg...
Well, it'd have to be hooked into the rendering process in some way to know what the result of your dynamic expressions are. So I think it'd have to be...