@unique-unstoppable Does the program can capture the input of your keyboard? You can check the function `cv2.waitkey() `in the `demo.py` file.
Pressing SPACE to capture face emotion.
Is there a camera in your computer?
Has this problem been solved?
Have you modified the code?
Check if the 5th line of main.py is `flags = tf.app.flags`.
Try to run the below code. Please feedback the result to me. ```python import tensorflow as tf flags = tf.app.flags flags.DEFINE_string('mode', 'demo', 'help') print('success') ```
> you didn't have tensor flow module, I recommend you get an anaconda, it is easy to deal with multiple versions of module, this program don't work with tensorflow2.0. Thank...
Might be version and library mismatch.
> > 我已经测试过这些视频,并且效果很好,如果您的视频帧只有一个频道,则必须修改加载代码,是否已解决问题? > > I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain it in detail? Please forgive me if it disturbs you. I look forward to your reply....