
Results 11 issues of lxin123456

Hello, I am trying to reproduce a project , there say i need to install texar 0.2.1,Because the texar 0.2.1 is saved there . [https://github.com/fabrahman/Emo-Aware-Storytelling/tree/master/third_party/texar](url) And i run -> pip...

Hello, can this tool be used to calculate the semantic simliarity between two words such as "happy" and "sad"? @MaartenGr

Can this network be trained with SDXL pretrained models?

### Describe the bug I trained a textual inversion model on SDXL pretrained model ( RealVisXL3.0 ), and then when I want to inference, I use this textual inversion model...


Thanks for your code and answers for the previous question.I am so sorry to bother you for my new question.I followed the instruction in the ReadME file.when i ran bash...

Hello, can you provide a predict.py to predict a emotion in a given image!!! thankyou very much

Hello,can you provide a pretrained model because the training time is long ! Thank you ,I just want to use the model to detect emotion. Thank you very much

### Describe the bug I want to use [this model](https://huggingface.co/TTPlanet/TTPLanet_SDXL_Controlnet_Tile_Realistic_V1) to make my slightly blurry photos clear, so i found this model. I follow the code [here](https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/control_v11f1e_sd15_tile) , but as...


前辈你好,我是研一的学生,研究方向为visual storytelling, 我目前在重写《No Metrics Are Perfect:Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling》,遇到了很多问题。 我看见您在原作者的GitHub下面留言了,如果可以的话,我们可以给个联系方式(邮箱也可以),我想您请教几个问题吗? 因为我们实验室没人研究这个,我属于摸着石头过河,希望前辈给个机会,谢谢您。 我的邮箱是[email protected] 我的vx是13093193765 我的QQ是841222073 万分感谢,谢谢您,祝您生活愉快!!!!!!!!!!