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Hey, thank you for the great paper and code! Does there exist code to visualize the predictions? I couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance!
We use Open3D to visulize the results and the color map is shown in the yaml;
Another alternative is to utilize the visualization method shown in SECOND repo.
Thanks for the quick response! For the Open3D approach do you have code published for this project?
Thanks for the quick response! For the Open3D approach do you have code published for this project? I just have a simple one for viz. you need it?
Thanks @OuyangJunyuan, I would like to have the code for your simple viz. You can send it via mail [email protected]. Thank you very much :)
Thanks @OuyangJunyuan, I would like to have the code for your simple viz. You can send it via mail [email protected]. Thank you very much :)
hi, could you please share it with me? thanks a lot! my email is : [email protected]
Thanks @OuyangJunyuan, I would like to have the code for your simple viz. You can send it via mail [email protected]. Thank you very much :)
hi, could you please share it with me? thanks a lot! my email is : [email protected]
of course~
Thanks for the quick response! For the Open3D approach do you have code published for this project? I just have a simple one for viz. you need it?
hi, Sorry for bother you.. but could you send it to me? my email is : [email protected]
@OuyangJunyuan hi,could you please share it with me ? My email is [email protected] Thank you very much!!!
Thanks for the quick response! For the Open3D approach do you have code published for this project? I just have a simple one for viz. you need it?
hi, could you please share the vis code with me? My email is [email protected] Thank you very much!!!
Thanks @OuyangJunyuan, I would like to have the code for your simple viz. You can send it via mail [email protected]. Thank you very much :)
hi, could you please share the vis code with me? My email is [email protected] Thank you very much!!!
If possible, could you please post the visualization code on the issue for us to do quick visual with Open3D
I already wrote @OuyangJunyuan about that couple of weeks ago but did not get any reply, I don't want to post his code without his consent.
I already wrote @OuyangJunyuan about that couple of weeks ago but did not get any reply, I don't want to post his code without his consent.
oh!it's rarely to check my email. I will show it flowing ,just very simple and crude one:
import numpy as np
import yaml
import open3d
from pathlib import Path
points_dir = Path('/home/ou/Documents/dataset/my_pvrcnn_dataset(gazebo)/kitti/object/training/velodyne') # path to .bin data
label_dir = Path('/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D-master/my_result') # path to .label data
label_filter = [40, 48, 70, 72] # object's label which you wan't to show
# label_filter = []
with open('/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D-master/config/label_mapping/semantic-kitti.yaml', 'r') as stream: # label_mapping configuration file
label_mapping = yaml.safe_load(stream)
color_dict = label_mapping['color_map']
def get_rgb_list(_label):
c = color_dict[_label]
return np.array((c[2], c[1], c[0]))
def draw_pc(pc_xyzrgb):
pc = open3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pc.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzrgb[:, 0:3])
pc.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzrgb[:, 3:6] / 255.)
def custom_draw_geometry_with_key_callback(pcd):
def change_background_to_black(vis):
opt = vis.get_render_option()
opt.background_color = np.asarray([0, 0, 0])
opt.point_size = 1
return False
key_to_callback = {}
key_to_callback[ord("K")] = change_background_to_black
open3d.visualization.draw_geometries_with_key_callbacks([pcd], key_to_callback)
def concate_color(_points, _label):
color = np.zeros((_points.shape[0], 3))
label_id = np.unique(_label)
for cls in label_id:
if label_filter.__len__() == 0:
color[_label == cls] = get_rgb_list(cls)
elif label_filter.count(cls) == 0:
color[_label == cls] = get_rgb_list(cls)
_points = np.concatenate([_points, color], axis=1)
return _points
for it in label_dir.iterdir():
label_file = it
points_file = points_dir / (str(it.stem) + '.bin')
label = np.fromfile(label_file, dtype=np.uint32)
points = np.fromfile(points_file, dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 4))[:, 0:3]
print(label.shape, points.shape)
colorful_points = concate_color(points, label)
Dear Junyuan,
Glad to hear from you! Thanks for your kindly reply!
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "xinge008/Cylinder3D" @.>; 发送时间: 2021年11月6日(星期六) 中午12:54 @.>; @.@.>; 主题: Re: [xinge008/Cylinder3D] Visualization (#73)
I already wrote @OuyangJunyuan about that couple of weeks ago but did not get any reply, I don't want to post his code without his consent.
oh!it's rarely to check my email. I will show it flowing ,just very simple and crude one: import numpy as np import yaml import open3d from pathlib import Path points_dir = Path('/home/ou/Documents/dataset/my_pvrcnn_dataset(gazebo)/kitti/object/training/velodyne') # path to .bin data label_dir = Path('/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D-master/my_result') # path to .label data label_filter = [40, 48, 70, 72] # object's label which you wan't to show # label_filter = [] with open('/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D-master/config/label_mapping/semantic-kitti.yaml', 'r') as stream: # label_mapping configuration file label_mapping = yaml.safe_load(stream) color_dict = label_mapping['color_map'] def get_rgb_list(_label): c = color_dict[_label] return np.array((c[2], c[1], c[0])) def draw_pc(pc_xyzrgb): pc = open3d.geometry.PointCloud() pc.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzrgb[:, 0:3]) pc.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzrgb[:, 3:6] / 255.) def custom_draw_geometry_with_key_callback(pcd): def change_background_to_black(vis): opt = vis.get_render_option() opt.background_color = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]) opt.point_size = 1 return False key_to_callback = {} key_to_callback[ord("K")] = change_background_to_black open3d.visualization.draw_geometries_with_key_callbacks([pcd], key_to_callback) custom_draw_geometry_with_key_callback(pc) def concate_color(_points, _label): color = np.zeros((_points.shape[0], 3)) label_id = np.unique(_label) for cls in label_id: if label_filter.len() == 0: color[_label == cls] = get_rgb_list(cls) elif label_filter.count(cls) == 0: color[_label == cls] = get_rgb_list(cls) _points = np.concatenate([_points, color], axis=1) return _points for it in label_dir.iterdir(): label_file = it points_file = points_dir / (str(it.stem) + '.bin') label = np.fromfile(label_file, dtype=np.uint32) points = np.fromfile(points_file, dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 4))[:, 0:3] print(label.shape, points.shape) colorful_points = concate_color(points, label) draw_pc(colorful_points)
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import numpy as np import yaml import open3d from pathlib import Path points_dir = Path ( '/home/ou/Documents/dataset/my_pvrcnn_dataset(gazebo)/kitti/object/training/velodyne' ) # .bin 数据的路径 label_dir = Path ( '/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D- master/my_result' ) # .label 数据的路径 label_filter = [ 40 , 48 , 70 , 72 ] # 你不想显示的对象标签 # label_filter = [] with open ( '/home/ou/workspace/code/Cylinder3D-master/config/label_mapping/semantic-kitti .yaml' , 'r' ) as stream : # label_mapping 配置文件 label_mapping = yaml . 安全加载(流) color_dict = label_mapping [ 'color_map' ] def get_rgb_list ( _label ): c = color_dict [ _label ] 返回 np。数组(( c [ 2 ], c [ 1 ], c [ 0 ])) def draw_pc ( pc_xyzrgb ): pc = open3d。几何。点云() 个人电脑。点 = open3d。实用程序。Vector3dVector ( pc_xyzrgb [:, 0 : 3 ]) 个人计算机。颜色 = open3d。实用程序。Vector3dVector ( pc_xyzrgb [:, 3 : 6 ] / 255. ) def custom_draw_geometry_with_key_callback ( pcd ): def change_background_to_black ( vis ): opt = vis。get_render_option () 选择。背景颜色 = np。asarray ([ 0 , 0 , 0 ]) 选择。point_size = 1 返回 False key_to_callback = {} key_to_callback [ ord ( "K" )] = change_background_to_black open3d。可视化。draw_geometries_with_key_callbacks ([ pcd ], key_to_callback ) custom_draw_geometry_with_key_callback ( pc ) def concate_color ( _points , _label ): color = np。零(( _points . shape [ 0 ], 3 )) label_id = np。label_id中cls的唯一(_label) : 如果label_filter。__len__ () == 0 : 颜色[ _label == cls ] = get_rgb_list ( cls ) elif label_filter。计数( cls ) == 0 : 颜色[ _label == cls ] = get_rgb_list ( cls ) _points = np。连接([ _points , color ], axis = 1 ) 返回 _points 在label_dir中为它 。iterdir (): label_file = it points_file = points_dir / ( str ( it.stem ) + ' .bin ' ) label = np . fromfile ( label_file , dtype = np . uint32 ) 点= np . fromfile ( points_file , dtype = np . float32 )。reshape (( - 1 , 4 ))[:, 0 : 3 ] print ( label . shape , points . shape ) colourful_points = concate_color ( points , label ) draw_pc ( colourful_points )
Is it a point cloud with only one color?