Xi Chen

Results 7 issues of Xi Chen

Hi, When aligning a sequence to an augmented reference database I got a different `ms`, I wonder does `ms` depend on `tp`? One reference seq: ```bash minimap2 -cx map-ont one.fa...


Hi, I noticed that if the primary alignment is chimeric (multiple tp:A:P tags) and say one or multiple pieces of the alignment has a low alignment score (ms or AS...

v2.1.8: ``` diamond blastx -q GCF_000708165.1_E_coli_EC2.contigs_genomic.fna -d a.fasta --range-culling -F15 --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid sstart send scovhsp NZ_JFJL01000045.1 WP_000046661.1 1 109 100 ``` v2.1.9: ``` diamond blastx -q GCF_000708165.1_E_coli_EC2.contigs_genomic.fna -d...

Hi, I noticed that sometime the results is not reproducible using the long read mode, I wonder is it related to the internal seed or tie breaking? Here is a...

Hi, Thanks for providing genomad, it is very useful. I was wondering would it be OK to run genomad directly on raw nanopore reads (>1000 bp, median q19) instead of...

The installed checkm2 v1.0.1 returns an error saying that the model could not be loaded. `testrun` seems not working. Manual installation with checkm2 v1.0.2 by `git clone` and `python setup...

Hi Wei, I wonder would it be possible to add a `--circular` option also to `seqkit subset`? I am currently using `seqkit subset` to extract the flanking regions of some...