I think this works but only at a larger scale than you've anticipated. I'm also not talking about using kickstarter though that's proven to work (@TryGhost) I'm talking about a...
So therein lies your motivation. You want to be a consultant. How many consultants have you seen write code? If you want to be a consultant, be a consultant, but...
Then why don't you freelance? Or work short term high reward contracts? If you want the recognition from the community and the respect that it garners then you either need...
[@TryGhost](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnonolan/ghost-just-a-blogging-platform) Raised over the £100,000 they were after to build a new blogging platform and built a non-profit around it that offers hosted solutions for low cost. It's doable but...
@aaugustin Which of you're statements is the one that applies with @TryGhost Yes the founder was well respected in the community but from people that I know who have worked...
Open Source Community works when it works, if anyone feels personal insight is so valuable they can derail a discussion without having followed it to the point at which they...