Installing Kali Linux Nethunter Unable to locate zip file '/sdcard/'. Installing zip file '/sdcard/' Checking for MD5 file... Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found Failed to map file '/sdcard/'...
msfpayload and msfencode both were removed and msfvenom took it's place, any chance to update the code to support this
using firewire from backtrack machine to macosx, not reading the memory just showing all 0's until it gets to 100% and fails. using a 6pin to 9pin mac adapter ,...
APPNAME='**Microsfot** Metasploit Packet [ Easy ]'
instead of from which hasnt been updated in a few years, grab newer binaries from
playing around with the python scipt , I got to properly dump from the registry automatically. ``` [*] Name: ssh22:[email protected] [*] Password: toor ``` couldnt get to manually...