Felix Kühnl
Felix Kühnl
Hi, I just stumbled across this issue as I was trying to use Neovim Qt to open files in multiple splits using the `-o` option of (Neo)vim. It took me...
@conda-forge/bioconda-recipes any objections against porting this to CondaForge?
I'm skipping the Windows build as current Perl seems to be unavailable: ``` - nothing provides perl >=5.32.1,=5.32.1,
@conda-forge/help-perl, ready for review!
@conda-forge/bioconda-recipes, I'm porting the recipes mentioned above to CondaForge if there are no objections from your side.
@conda-forge/help-perl please review!
@cbrueffer I added you as maintainer to all recipes above, is this okay for you? Also, I would appreciate your review ;-) Thank you so much!
@cbrueffer If you don't have time to review right now, that's ok, but could you please give your consent (or not!) for being a maintainer? Then someone else could also...
> Technically the recipes look OK (see questions on the commented out dependencies), I've added some comments on how to improve them on a style level to improve consistency. I've...
@cbrueffer Fixed the issues you mentioned. Good catch with the shebang lines, I removed them when filtering out comments -- stupid me. Concerning the idea of moving the build script...