Adam Blažek

Results 12 issues of Adam Blažek

When I'm typing something in insert mode and there's no completion available, the command line keeps saying `Scanning tags.`, which is really annoying. Would it be possible to get rid...


![Screenshot]( The items on the right of the toolbar (Tutorial, etc.) are either covered by the GitHub badge (and can't be clicked) or completely off the screen. (Note: I'm using...

### Problem description When I install the `odin` package and try to compile or run a valid Odin program (such as the first example in [the documentation](, it produces the...

bug report
not stale
upstream issue

Minimal example: ```nim # A parser that only parses the string "0" import nimly import patty variant ZeroToken: zero niml ZeroLexer[ZeroToken]: r"0": zero() nimy ZeroParser[ZeroToken]: top[int]: zero: 0 var lexer...


I managed to set up nim.nvim as a source for [null-ls](, which allows it to be used with any completion engine that supports LSP. Here's the code: ```lua local null_ls...

- `nvim --version`: 0.8.0 ### Steps to reproduce Put the following in your `init.lua`: ```lua vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufReadPost", {callback = function() print("Triggered") end}) ``` Also configure a plugin to be lazy-loaded on...


**V version:** 0.4.3 dbdd96f **UI version:** 459eb3b **OS:** Debian GNU/Linux **What did you do?** Minimal example: ```v import ui fn main() { mut row := ui.row() row.add(child: ui.label()) } ```...


It would be nice to be able to do something like this: ```lua patterns[{ "&&", "||" }] = { priority = 10 } patterns[{ "" }] = { priority =...

Nim already supports chaining functions using the dot syntax (UFCS), and this module seems to work exactly the same way. What's the purpose?