Xie, Ziyu

Results 128 comments of Xie, Ziyu

@itslenny Yes, the path in `tsconfig.json` is conflicted. Please try to remove the echarts paths in tsconfig.json and add it back into `angular.json`: ```diff "architect": { "build": { "options": {...

@smnbbrv Thank you for your updates. I will update the README later.

@cwtgogo convertToPixel is a method of echartsInstance. You can get echartsInstance from `(chartInit)` event. For example: ```html ``` ```typescript onChartInit(ec) { this.myChart = ec; this.myChart.convertToPixel('geo', [128.3324, 89.5344]); } ```

Please upgrade angular to >= 11.0

@Velocity540 Please refer to my online demo. I create charts inside bootstrap tabs.

@Velocity540 Thanks. I'm using `TabsModule` from `ngx-bootstrap` without jQuery. I think you can try it too.

@nagug ```typescript import { prepareBoxplotData } from 'echarts/extension/dataTool'; ``` instead of `echarts.dataTool.prepareBoxplotData`

Could you help to setup a minimal reproduction environment or a repo? I can't reproduce this issue.


@owen-carter If you want to use `bmap`, you need to import BMap JSSDK. Please refer to https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts-bmap You also need to get a license key from https://lbsyun.baidu.com/