
Results 12 issues of 谢昕辰

1. 作業系統版本:win10 2. 是否安裝.net framework 4.5以上: (yes/no) yes 3. Beanfun網站是否能正常登入和啟動遊戲: (yes/no) yes 4. 使用舊版是否能正常運作: (yes, 請提供版號/no) 5. 是否刪除程式,重新下載最新版還是出現問題: (yes/no) yes 6. 相容性選項以win7執行這個程式、並以系統管理員的身分執行此程式,仍然出現錯誤: (yes/no) yes 7. 請詳述操作流程(請盡量附擷圖,如有詳細資訊請一併複製回報): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15952744/65208883-f0d02d00-dac8-11e9-8b87-83657e683fdc.png)

## Motivation Please describe the motivation for this PR and the goal you want to achieve through this PR. ## Modification Remove unsupported commands.

## Motivation Fix get_flops script ## Modification - Build segmentor by `mmseg.registry.MODELS`

## Motivation Support COCO-LVIS dataset Paper: [Scaling Semantic Segmentation Beyond 1K Classes on a Single GPU ](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.07489.pdf) Repo: [ESSNet](https://github.com/shipra25jain/ESSNet) ## Modification 1. add convert tool to generate gt_mask 2. add...


## Motivation As title. ## Modification - fix type - remove customize optimizer and customize optimizer constructor - add develop new segmentor

## Motivation As title. ## Modification - docs/en/advanced_guides/models.md

## Motivation As title. ## Modification - add `docs/en/advanced_guides/evaluation.md` - fix typos in `mmseg/evaluation/metrics/iou_metric.py` - remove parameters docstring and fix a bug in `mmseg/evaluation/metrics/citys_metric.py`

## Motivation Update repo information and URLs in README. ## Modification ## BC-breaking (Optional) ## Use cases (Optional)

Thanks for your excellent work! We want to reproduce the results, do you have plans to release the model? https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/pull/2444

## Motivation Update mmcv version in requirements. https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/releases/tag/v2.2.0 ## Modification - requirements/mminstall.txt ## BC-breaking (Optional) ## Use cases (Optional) ## Checklist **Before PR**: - [ ] I have read and...