```javascript const Git = require("nodegit"); const conf = require('../config') var opts = { fetchOpts: { callbacks: { credentials: function () { // works return Git.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew(conf.account, conf.password) //doesn't work return Git.Cred.sshKeyNew(...
js && css use CDN, and host is different with website host。 so i need set the crossorigin. if not these config preload js && css resources will be load...
我试了下配置少的话 没事,配置多了 就会有警告了。 之前在express中用http-proxy-middleware 配置多不会有类似的警告。 ` MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 close listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit `