
Results 4 issues of _卓尔不群的拾荒人

hello , I loaded this json file by raw resource and called LottieAnimationView$playAnimation method. when it was playing , it `s missing lot of frame... I guessed that it is...

Rendering bug

## Look at here - → Did you read the doc carefully - → Did you add annotation above target activity - → Did you add annotation processor dependence -...

public class PostingsCommentAdapter extends BaseQuickAdapter { private final FragmentActivity context; public PostingsCommentAdapter(FragmentActivity context) { super(R.layout.adapter_postings_comment_layout); this.context = context; } //... UI 展示 } a. 情况复现: fragment中使用recycleView,添加了两个headerView; 分页加载数据,page = 1,有一个添加数据按钮, 点击把数据添加到adapter中的第一条....